Just wanted to get this in print..phrases from a dramatic child named Liam:
"I am just an ol' log that nobody wants to sit on"
"I am just an ol' spec of dust"
"I might as well just be garbage, cause that is how I feel"
"I have spoiled my own day and now I am spoiling the world"
"I am just an old nothing"
"I just don't even matter in this big ol' world"
Those are just a few of the regulars right now. He is generally happy, but when he gets down the stuff that comes out of his mouth is from another era. We always said he was an old soul.
He also uses the words "mmm tasty", "So delicious", and "my pleasure" on a regular basis.
He is also now pretty covered in freckles
We couldn't adore him anymore if we tried....