Thursday, January 13, 2011

Finding comfort

Seems to be a pretty hard thing for me to do these days, but one place that seems to be perfect for the sick stomach is Sno on the Go. This is just a little spot in mission Viejo, but so worth the visit. John lives for their sno cones that are stuffed with ice cream. I just go with the plain ol cherry and grape combo. The boys love bubblegum. Their ice really is so perfect just like snow, If you have not been go!!


  1. I don't eat dairy and I absolutely LOVE snow cones! I am so excited to visit this place! How have I lived here since I was 13 and not known about it? Thank you for sharing.......again I am so sorry you are having such a rough pregnancy :( I am crossing my fingers that it will get better for you soon!

  2. Thanks Melissa!

    I think it has only bee there for a couple of years, so don't feel bad if you blink you will miss it :)
