Monday, July 25, 2011

Adam is here!

We could not be more in love with him if we tried! The Surgery was a breeze and so was my recovery. So thankful for all the visits and outpouring of love we have recieved from all of you! (P.S. Pause the blog music on the left before you play the slide show)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Longest Pregancy Road....

At least that is what it has felt like to me.....We are one week away from delivery and now I can't believe it is finally here. I found out I was pregnant 11-1-10. I have gone through (mostly sick)8 billion Birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentines. St Patricks, Easter, My Birthday, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and almost an entire School year for Jack. I am even fitting July 4th in there too.

Funny, after all that waiting the panic is just now starting to kick will the boys adjust, how will my surgery go, how will recovery be, will he be a good baby, will he be a cute baby?

7 days left to freak out....

Tomorrow I will be 38 weeks. I deliver on the 10th at 39 weeks! Sorry there are so many pics below, I never did a lot of maternity pics with my last pregnancies and this probably being my last time at baby bat John and I had some fun with it.... Can't wait to introduce him to the world!

Here is my pregnancy in pics..

Liam's birthday and about 8 weeks prego sick as a dog...

New years' Eve...still sick as a dog

15 weeks

17 weeks

18 weeks

20 weeks

23 weeks

26 weeks

27 weeks

29 weeks

30 weeks

32 weeks

33 weeks

35 weeks

36 weeks

37 weeks

Friday, June 17, 2011

What have we been up to...

hmmm.....still growing a very large baby, but we have our date! July 10th. We have been so busy with end of scouts and the school year for Jack, and I just finished my last shoot. Now I am on a much needed maternity leave! Which leaves me with some time to possibly start blogging again!

I did have my baby shower, which was awesome, read about it here, but now I am in scramble mode trying to get the nursery ready and put everything away. ( I actually really LOVE this part)

...I still want to do a entire blog post on National Train Day, so that will be coming soon!

So exited about summer!! I have not been this excited about summer vacation since I was in School. Jack's last day is next Tuesday. Hooray, let a new chapter begin......

So here are some random things that have been going on

Beach Days

Scout-O-Rama (which was way awesome!!)

Lots of Birthday Parties!


Hang Time with just Liam and Me

Odd card making and classic reactions....

Boys camp night at Jack's school

Pool Days

Way too many video games

A trip to San Diego and the birth of our new nephew Marcus!

Jack's end of School year party!

Bug Catching

and Cub Scout crossover~ Jack is now a Wolf cub!

That's all for now....Bye